Exchange rate will fluctuate as international balance of payments, inflation, interest rate, economic growth, market psychology and speculation, government intervention vary. 汇率受国际收支、通货膨胀、利率、经济增长、市场心理和投机、政府干预变化而波动。
Part of the reason is that Chinas international balance of payments maintains a large number of surpluses. 近几年人民币一直受到很大的升值压力,其部分原因在于中国的国际收支持续、大量的顺差。
He admitted the worsening global financial environment had brought uncertainty to capital flows and affected the international balance of payments. 他承认不断恶化的全球金融环境给资金流通带来了不确定性,并使国际收支平衡受到影响。
The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" proposed promote "the basic international balance of payments" in the next five-year development goal. “十二五”规划的建议,在提出今后五年发展目标时,提出要促进“国际收支趋于基本平衡”。
The Prospect of Sino-American Trade Surplus from the View of International Balance of Payments 从国际收支看中美贸易顺差的发展前景
China has maintained sound international balance of payments, the RMB exchange rate has remained stable, the country's foreign exchange reserves have increased steadily, and the international status of the RMB has ascended significantly. 中国国际收支状况良好,人民币汇率持续稳定,国家外汇储备稳步增加,人民币的国际地位显著提高。
So the balance situation is good, international balance of payments situation better country, is not willing to accept such a proposal. 所以资产负债情况比较好的,国际收支情况比较好的国家,就不大愿意接受这样一个建议。
This trial will be very good for the international balance of payments. 这项尝试有助于平衡国际收支。
Probing into RMB exchange rate forming mechanism reform under the angle of international balance of payments 国际收支视角下人民币汇率形成机制改革探讨
In view of the present stage of economic development, it is not yet a good opportunity for China to realize international balance of payments and ease international trading relationship by increasing international tourism expenditure. 考虑到所处的经济发展阶段,中国目前利用增加国际旅游的支出实现国际收支平衡、缓和国际贸易关系的时机尚不成熟。
In the third chapter, there is the analysis theory, carrying on the quantitative data analysis on the basis of international balance of payments. 第二章是理论分析部分,基于国际收支平衡表进行定量的数据分析。
Then establish money demand function for further analysis on economic growth influencing international balance of payments. 并在此基础之上建立货币需求函数,以进一步分析经济增长引起的国际收支的变动。
Analysis showed that exchange market pressure is closely linked with economic growth, savings and investment, international balance of payments and other variables. 分析表明,外汇市场压力的产生与经济增长、储蓄投资、国际收支特征等变量有着密切的联系。
Theoretical study on the international balance of payments began very early, and formed a series of well-known theory, but those studies are mainly in developed countries, focusing on how to adjust the overall balance of international payments. 关于国际收支的理论研究很早就开始了,并形成了一系列的著名理论,但这些研究以发达国家为主,研究内容侧重于如何调节国际收支总量平衡。
Then give the international balance of payments effect on the flow of a detailed analysis. 进而给出国际收支对流动性效应的详细分析。
The analyses of this dissertation show that the export-substituted effect of the FDI-out is not apparent, it lays positive effect upon the international balance of payments, it is favorable for inland investment under the present exchange rate principle. 本文的分析表明,我国对外直接投资的出口替代效应并不明显,它对国际收支具有正效应,在我国当前的汇率制度下,有利于国内投资的发展。
Some scholars believe that the U.S. irrational international balance of payments is a major cause of the financial crisis. 虽然有学者将美国不合理的国际收支状况归结为此次金融危机的一个主要原因,认为金融危机的爆发是这种特殊的国际资本运动长期作用的结果。
To solve the problem of Unemployment, inflation ( or deflation), economic growth and the international balance of payments is the governments of the main macroeconomic policy goals. 解决失业、通货膨胀(或通货紧缩)、经济增长以及国际收支问题是各国政府宏观经济政策的主要目标。
According to the economic development level of our country and the international balance of payments, we reform and improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, and on the base, we can carry out the reform on RMB exchange rate better. 根据我国经济的发展水平和国际收支状况,对人民币汇率形成机制进行改革和完善,依此从而更好地开展人民币的汇率改革。
Thanks to the control of capital items and a mandatory settlement system, our country had to buy a surplus of foreign exchange reserves to maintain exchange rate stability in the situation of continued surplus in international balance of payments situation. 在我国由于资本项目的管制,实行强制结售汇制度,在国际收支持续盈余的情况下,为维护汇率的稳定,不得不购入过剩的外汇形成外汇储备。
This paper puts forward some Suggestions on improving the international balance of payments, capital account management and foreign exchange reserves management in order to enhance the role of foreign exchange reserves as stabilizing the economy and increasing the independence of monetary policy in our country. 本文对改善国际收支平衡,资本项目的管理、外汇储备的管理等方面提出一些建议,以增强外汇储备在稳定经济和增强我国货币政策独立性中的作用。
At last, the paper put forward some advice on how to adjust the international balance of payments by FDI based on the above analytical framework, including policies to processing trade, "going out" strategy and the using of foreign exchange reserves. 最后本文基于上述理论分析框架,结合我国国际收支的政策目标,提出FDI调节国际收支的相关对策及建议,包括加工贸易、我国走出去战略及外汇储备的利用等方面的政策调整。
So we should strengthen the international balance of payments adjustment, reduce reliance of monetary stimulation on the basis of net foreign assets, and enhance the control of monetary policy on the basis of monetary regulation. 为此,应千方百计地加强对国际收支平衡的调节,减少基础货币吞吐对净国外资产变化的依赖,增强货币政策对基础货币的控制力。
Generally speaking, tax avoidance produces positive effects on the supply of production factors, capital operation and investment. In addition, it is also generated deteriorating effect in the international balance of payments. Part Two is the effect of economy. 从总体上来说,避税为企业生产要素供给、资金运转以及投资等方面都产生了正面效应;此外还表现在避税产生了国际收支的恶化效应;第二部分,经济方面的效应。
The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory, the most widely used are: purchasing power parity theory, interest rate parity theory, the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。
There are a lot of factors affect exchange rate fluctuations, but this article mainly introduced six factors: the international balance of payments and foreign exchange reserves, prices and inflation, interest rate, economic growth, policy factors and expected factors. 影响汇率波动的因素有很多,但是本文主要从国际收支状况和外汇储备、政策因素、物价水平和通货膨胀、利率、经济增长率、预期因素这六种因素来介绍。
Imbalance in the international balance of payments and excess liquidity are the main problems which china microeconomics faces presently, lasting double surplus brings huge liquidity to china, leads obvious inflation and asset price bubbles. 国际收支失衡和流动性过剩是当前我国宏观经济面临的主要问题,持续的双顺差为国内注入了大量流动性,引发了较为明显的通货膨胀和资产价格泡沫。
The structure of the international balance of payments has a major impact on exchange market pressure. 各国国际收支状况与国际收支结构也对外汇市场压力有重要影响。